Interviews Diana Tsuchida Interviews Diana Tsuchida

Ann Sato

“I remember being strafed because I was in the factory. And so I guess they knew which ones to bomb. I remember every time this siren would ring, we reluctantly put our helmets on and run into the forest. And at that time I really prayed to God.”

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Idaho, labor camps Diana Tsuchida Idaho, labor camps Diana Tsuchida

Teresa Maebori

One of the comments my mother made was that she never thought that the government would ever apologize. So the most meaningful thing for her wasn’t the money, it was the apology to say that it was wrong, to admit that. 

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manzanar, los angeles Diana Tsuchida manzanar, los angeles Diana Tsuchida

George Iwamoto

“My dad used to fish. But we didn’t have any equipment so he caught fish with his hands. He would walk along the stream and he would stick his hand in. He found out if you cradled them and gently took them out of the water, they wouldn’t move.”

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veterans, MIS Diana Tsuchida veterans, MIS Diana Tsuchida

George Shimizu

“Everybody grabbed their guns and we all went outside and everybody was saying, ‘The war’s over, the war’s over!’ That’s why they were firing their guns into the sky. I don’t think there was a dry-eye among us.”

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MIS, veterans Diana Tsuchida MIS, veterans Diana Tsuchida

Kazuo Yamaguchi

“Luckily for us growing up in New York City, there was very little discrimination. And my dad became friends with the top godfather of the Italian mafia. I must’ve thought I was part Italian.”

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gila river Diana Tsuchida gila river Diana Tsuchida

Alice Kanagaki

“I think those who had a positive attitude learned to enjoy themselves and make the most of it. My father was tickled pink because he could play poker, he found some poker buddies to play with.”

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topaz, tanforan Diana Tsuchida topaz, tanforan Diana Tsuchida

Kay Ikuma

“One of the hardest things was getting immersed back into society, like taking the bus to school some place where there was a mixture of people. We had to put up with a lot of taunting, a lot of ridicule. That was hard, I remember that, being teased a lot.”

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gila river Diana Tsuchida gila river Diana Tsuchida

Tadashi Tsufura

“For my mother, for one to fight the other, she couldn’t deal with it. And she couldn’t deal with people calling her the enemy. And she couldn’t deal with working in the factory, sometimes 12 hours a day. She was not a strong woman. Also, I’m a stupid 14-year-old at Seabrook and I don’t have the ability to do things like wash my own clothes and things.” 

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veterans, tule lake Diana Tsuchida veterans, tule lake Diana Tsuchida

Robert Tanaka

“They didn’t break down or anything. Very, very strong people. Actually all the Issei are all like that because when they came over from the old country, they came with nothing. They worked hard all their life for their family. But when you become a parent, you start to see, feel all these things they went through.” 

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Interviews Diana Tsuchida Interviews Diana Tsuchida

Masao Tom Inada

“That’s the reason I’ve always just got to think to myself, I don’t know what it is but everything happens to me by chance or coincidence. And I get spared.”

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