Earl & Helen Santo
“After getting used to things, we were able to make friends. See, as people coming from the farm, we weren't able to play with other kids and it brought a lot of new friends.”
Kazuki Hirose
“They didn’t tell us about doing away with our citizenship or nothing. But they didn’t warn us. They had a big cafeteria or gym that we met in, the whole camp. That was all full. The people of draft age, some with their parents.”
Yuri Lily Tsurumaki
“We had our Christmas tree and my dad said we would take the last family picture before he had to turn in all the cameras, swords and everything into the police station.”
The Oka Family
“All my normal U.S. citizens rights were taken away from me, just for what? Japan went to war with America? We were Americans. That’s what I really resent.”
Tomiko "Tommy" Miyahara
“After her child died, it was like a valve had broken loose. That was a side I had not heard from her. A side I hadn’t seen.”